
Thomson Housewarming

I figured, after talking about what it was like to write and publish a memoir, you’d appreciate seeing a sample of the book. OK, not really. This is one of the sections of the book that my editor suggested we remove in editing. I liked it but it wasn’t central…

150 150 Sarah E. McDonald

The Body

Every other month, Geoff’s company grants the entire company a “wellbeing” day. Employees are encouraged to step away from their computers and do something that day that focuses on their mental and physical wellbeing. It is brilliant. During the pandemic, Geoff’s company was one of those tech firms that absolutely…

150 150 Sarah E. McDonald

Personal Goals

At the beginning of every new year, like everyone else, I pause and wonder if I should be setting resolutions. While it is the traditional time to set your intentions, since my cancer diagnoses I’ve developed the point of view that ANYTIME is a good time to set intentions or…

150 150 Sarah E. McDonald

I Want More Zoom Calls …

…said no one ever? But I had an epiphany during the pandemic. It was the beginning of year two and I had just left a start up where I had been COO. I loved the work I did there. I love to bring order to chaos and there were just…

150 150 Sarah E. McDonald