
10 Things to Do When You Receive a Cancer Diagnosis

First, let me say how sorry I am that you are dealing with a cancer diagnosis. In my book I try to be honest about the tough moments and funny about the awkward moments of cancer treatment. But I suspect what you need right now is straight talk - not…

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10 Things to Do for Someone You Love Who Has Received a Cancer Diagnosis

Show up. Check in. Call / write / text / show up in person. What your loved one needs most right now is to know she is loved and has supporters surrounding her. In the early days of a cancer diagnosis, I try to text every other day to simply…

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No Patience for Advocates

No patience for advocates Dad’s trips to the doctors were increasing and getting more complicated. I was having trouble keeping track of all of them - and their guidance - and from our conversations, it seemed like Dad was as well. Not only did he visit with his oncologist and…

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6 Things Not to Say to Someone Diagnosed with Cancer (And What to Say Instead)

1. "You Got This" Why: Because I don’t feel like I got this. Cancer is scary, unpredictable, and when you tell me you got this, it makes me feel like getting better all rests on MY shoulders. And guess what – there are a lot of people whom I’ve just…

150 150 Sarah E. McDonald