
sarah e mcdonald

Sarah is a seasoned business operator-turned executive coach. Besides her many practical years of experience in pivotal leadership roles within organizations ranging from Corporate America institutions to start-ups and scale-ups, Sarah’s recent life experiences battling cancer have contributed to her unique perspective and expertise on leadership, resilience, and speaking about hard things. While her current work is focused on helping today’s business leaders navigate challenges and articulate professional (and personal) goals, Sarah also speaks publicly on topics ranging from “How to support employees in crisis”, “How to develop resilience during personal crisis”, and “Leadership lessons during a year of cancer treatments”.

Let’s work together

It takes self-awareness to achieve your short- and long-term goals. Learn to manage workplace challenges and find personal growth and organizational results.

sarah speaking on ebay stage

Sarah speaks with humor and grace about very hard things.

The Cancer Channel

At 44, Sarah McDonald was newly married, newly promoted, and planning pregnancy. It felt like a time of new beginnings in her life when suddenly she was diagnosed with a rare, incurable cancer. Two months later, she was diagnosed with another unrelated cancer. Told in an honest and oftentimes vulnerable voice, Sarah recounts a year of difficult stories in lighthearted and humorous ways.